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On this subject:
"Wunnquartier Stade" – General information
The competition is part of a project to develop the site currently occupied by the Josy Barthel Stadium.
"Wunnquartier Stade" – Urban planning competition
Urban planning competition for the development of the site currently occupied by the Josy Barthel Stadium, and surrounding areas along Route d'Arlon
Construction projects completed in 2022.
Construction projects completed in 2023.
A comprehensive range of services, provided in a friendly environment. Check out our apartments and studios.
An extensive pre-works programme to promote and revitalise the Schluechthaus has been launched. The aim is to test out the ideas garnered during the civic outre…
Admission to an assisted-living facility for seniors at Konviktsgaart is granted based on criteria set by the City of Luxembourg.
Application procedure and registration form
If you are interested in buying housing from the City of Luxembourg, you must apply to join a waiting list. Applications must be submitted using the application…
Architectural design competition
The City plans to revitalise the Schluechthaus site, which boasts an excellent location near major thoroughfares, several schools and the future "Porte de Holle…
Beggen: Rue du Pont (municipality of Walferdange)
Redevelopment works will last until July 2025.
Belair – Place de Gand
Bonnevoie – Kaltreis Park
Bonnevoie – Place du Parc
Bonnevoie – Rue Jean-Baptiste Gellé
Bonnevoie-Nord: redevelopment project
Upgrade works will last until 2025.
Bonnevoie-Sud: Rue de Wiltz
Upgrade works will last until 2025.
Buy a home in Luxembourg City
Eligible prospective buyers must register to join a waiting list.
Cents: Bike and pedestrian bridge connecting the Cents, Neudorf and Weimershof districts
Description of the new bike and pedestrian bridge connecting the Cents Plateau and the Kirchberg Plateau.
Cents: Rue Léon Kauffman, Rue Arthur Knaff, Rue Joseph Massarette and Boulevard Charles Simonis
Upgrade works will last until 2026.
City of Luxembourg rental housing
The City owns 49 affordable housing units for which tenants must meet a number of weighted selection criteria that include maximum income.
Current construction projects
Type of work, schedules, traffic information, progress to date, home utility connections and contact information
Development of public spaces through civic engagement – Placemaking
Public spaces are supposed to be for all to use. Therefore, everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to discussions on the development of these spaces…
Fees at Konviktsgaart
Price and payment information.
Financial aid for building or purchasing a home
The City of Luxembourg may, in some circumstances, provide financial aid for building or purchasing a home in Luxembourg City.
Gare district: Rue de Strasbourg
Redevelopment works until summer 2024.
Gare – Rue de Strasbourg
Gare: Boulevard de la Pétrusse
Gasperich: Rue de Gasperich
Upgrade works will last until 2026.
General development plan (PAG)
The general development plan outlines the future use of a plot (e.g. zoning: accommodation, offices, businesses or green spaces), and determines the size limits…
Grant for works to protect heritage assets
Grant for preservation, conservation, restoration or renovation works on buildings located in a "built environment – C" protected area of community interest.
Grund – Op der Schmëdd
Hollerich: Rue Adolphe and Rue de Vianden
Upgrade works will last until 2025.
Impact of works on daily life
The City's two construction mediators are tasked with liaising between the local population and teams involved in works being carried out in Luxembourg City. Wh…
Kirchberg: "PAP Kiem"
New rest, multi-purpose and playground areas in Kirchberg.
Konviktsgaart is a modern, welcoming and secure facility comprising 110 assisted living units. Whether they choose to stay in one of our apartments or studios, …
Limpertsberg – Georges Willmar Park
Limpertsberg – Place Laurent
Limpertsberg – Rue de l'Avenir
Limpertsberg: Rue N.S. Pierret
Upgrade works will last until the autumn of 2025.
Merl – Place Thorn
Merl: Merl Park
Construction to continue until 2025.
Merl: Upgrade of the playground in Merl Park
Presentation of the plans for a modern, multi-use playgound with a wide range of options for play, exploration, and relaxation.
Minor works and construction
The following works and construction, which are minor and do not fall within the scope of a building permit or statement of work according to Article 57.3 of th…
Mühlenbach: Rue de Mühlenbach and Rue Albert Unden
Infrastructure work until summer 2025.
Open days
The City of Luxembourg regularly hosts "Meet at Schluechthaus" open days at the Old Slaughterhouse in Hollerich. These events feature a host of activities, work…
Other applications
Application forms to request a certificate proving municipal protection status, a copy of building plans, and a certificate stating the year in which a building…
Other useful links
Civil Code; Land Registry and Topography Administration (Administration du cadastre et de la topographie); National Roads Administration (Administration des pon…
PAP « approuvés »
Tableau des plans d’aménagement particulier (PAP) dûment approuvés par le Ministre.
PAP « nouveau Quartier » (PAP NQ)
Le PAP NQ fixe les règles d’urbanisme et de lotissement pour les terrains non encore viabilisés au moment de son établissement.
Pfaffenthal – Spidolsgaart
Plan d’aménagement général
Il est porté à la connaissance du public que le conseil communal, par sa délibération du 28 avril 2017, a voté le plan d’aménagement général (PAG) de la Ville d…
Private work sites
Utility markings, construction works in public spaces, occupation of public thoroughfares, and connections to the water and district heating networks.
Project for infrastructure works and partial redevelopment works on Boulevard de la Pétrusse
The project for infrastructure works and partial redevelopment works on Boulevard de la Pétrusse is being carried out in the Gare district, between Avenue de la…
Property of the Crown (1604–1797)
Pulvermühl – district centre
Building regulations, special conditions for conservation areas and listed building groups (ensembles sensibles), and related regulations.
Relevé complet des PAP en vigueur
Le présent tableau inclut tous les PAP « approuvés », les modifications y relatives ainsi que les PAP « nouveau Quartier » en vigueur.
Rent commission
The Commission des loyers (Rent Committee) is an arbitration body for landlords and tenants, which handles increases and reductions in rent.
Renting property from the City of Luxembourg
Municipal housing, furnished rooms and community gardens available for rent subject to the eligibility of the applicant in line with the allocation criteria def…
Rollingergrund: Rue de Reckenthal
Infrastructure work will last until 2025.
Schémas directeurs
Le schéma directeur a pour objet de préciser et de compléter les concepts de développement urbain, de mobilité ainsi que de mise en valeur des paysages et des e…
An architectural design competition was launched in 2022 for the redevelopment of the Schluechthaus site.
Services provided at Konviktsgaart
Konviktsgaart offers a comprehensive range of services and facilities.
Special development plan (PAP)
The purpose of a special development plan is to clarify and implement the general development plan, while adhering to the method and degree of land use specifie…
Special development plan for existing developments (PAP QE)
Please read the document approved in its initial version by the Minister for Home Affairs (Ministre de l'Intérieur) on 5 October 2017 under reference 26C/048/20…
STADePARK - Team 196971
Statement of work
For major indoor maintenance, facade restoration and roof repair.
Subdivision (formerly fragmentation)
Any owner of a plot of land that can be built on immediately (regardless of whether this land has existing structures) who intends to break the land up into mul…
The Grund: Ecological redevelopment of the Pétrusse Valley
Click here to learn all about the land restoration project for the redevelopment of the Pétrusse and the park situated along this waterway.
Type 1
Available one-bedroom accommodation units.
Type 2
Available two-bedroom accommodation units.
Type 3
Available three-bedroom accommodation units.
Type 4
Available four-bedroom accommodation units.
Urbanisation du site (1797-2022)
Ville Haute: Redevelopment of Place de la Constitution and Boulevard F.D. Roosevelt
The City and the Government of Luxembourg are to undertake a joint project to develop Place de la Constitution and its environs, creating a pleasant, multi-purp…
Ville Haute: Renovation and extension of the Luxembourg City Cinémathèque
The Luxembourg City Cinémathèque is preparing to skip to a new chapter An ambitious four-year renovation project will see the cultural venue modernised and expa…
Ville-Haute: Place de l’Étoile
The urban development concept for Place de l'Étoile, a three-hectare site located close to the city centre.
Ville-Haute: Place Guillaume II
Redevelopment work will be ongoing until 2023.
Ville-Haute: Rue Nicolas Adames
Upgrade works will last until 2025.
Weimershof: New community centre
A new rehearsal facility for the brass band is being built on the site of the former school on Rue des Marguerites in Neudorf/Weimershof to replace the current …
Winners of the urban planning competition
The selection committee of the urban planning competition unanimously agreed on the proposal that will form the basis for the "Wunnquartier Stade" development p…
Work site coordination
Work sites are coordinated at two levels: overall coordination (once per year) and local coordination (for each work site).