2024: Year of the City's 24 districts
As part of its commitment to urban development, as set out in the 2023-2029 mission statement of the College of Aldermen, the City is focusing this year on Luxe…

Development of public spaces through civic engagement – Placemaking
Public spaces are supposed to be for all to use. Therefore, everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to discussions on the development of these spaces…

Tree officer programme
Adopt a tree!

Youth engagement
Report-It: report an incident
Report things in need of repair or rectification in public spaces through our interactive tool, or directly to Luxembourg City's road crews.

Keep our city clean
What you can do to keep our city clean (littering, street and pavement cleaning, hedges and shrubs, signage, graffiti, etc.)

Reduce your waste
Some suggestions and useful links

Save water
15 ways to save water at home