Use public transport to get to and around the capital, and expect possible delays!
Full info: Programme, traffic, public transport, parking and P+R facilities.
Concept and objectives
Urban planning: background, objective, concept and procedures
General development plan (PAG)
The general development plan outlines the future use of a plot (e.g. zoning: accommodation, offices, businesses or green spaces), and determines the size limits…
Special development plan (PAP)
The purpose of a special development plan is to clarify and implement the general development plan, while adhering to the method and degree of land use specifie…
Completed construction projects
Construction projects completed in 2024 and before.
Future projects
At any time, the City manages a range of projects that are in various stages of preparation and planning before reaching the execution phase.
Ongoing works
View all ongoing works in Luxembourg City on an interactive map
Building works: construction, remodelling and renovation
Building permit, statement of work, fragmentation, energy advisory services, and applications for copies of plans and a certificate stating the year in which a …