Office social (Social Welfare Office)
The Office Social (Social Welfare Office) is a public institution with legal personality that is under the supervision of the municipal office.
Pursuant to Article 10 (1) of the Law of 18 December 2009 organising social assistance (loi du 18 décembre 2009 organisant l’aide sociale), the Office Social is administered by a board of directors composed of at least five members.
- Vronny Krieps (DP)
- Claudine Konsbruck (CSV)
- Odette Neumann-Weis
- Fabiana Bartolozzi (déi Gréng)
- Ginette Jones (LSAP)
Syndicat des eaux du barrage d'Esch-sur-Sûre (Esch-sur-Sûre dam water syndicate)
Full members
Alternate members
- Gabriel Boisante (LSAP)
- Nathalie Oberweis (déi Lénk)
Syndicat intercommunal pour la construction, l'entretien et l'exploitation d'un crématoire sur base intercommunale (inter-municipal syndicate for the construction, maintenance and operation of an inter-municipal crematorium)
- Simone Beissel(DP)
- Robert L. Philippart (DP)
- Paul Galles (CSV)
- Angélique Bartolini (CSV)
- Gabriel Boisante (LSAP)
Syndicat intercommunal pour la gestion des déchets en provenance des ménages et des déchets assimilables des communes des cantons de Luxembourg, d'Esch et de Capellen (inter-municipal syndicate for the management of household and similar waste from the municipalities in the cantons of Luxembourg, Esch and Capellen)
- Lydie Polfer (DP)
- Maurice Bauer (CSV)
- Patrick Goldschmidt (DP)
- Claude Radoux (DP)
- Nicolas Back (déi Gréng)
- Bob Biver (CSV)
- Anne Kaiffer (DP)
- Maxime Miltgen (LSAP)
Syndicat des villes et des communes luxembourgeoises (Luxembourg syndicate of cities and municipalities)
- Lydie Polfer (DP)
Communauté des Transports
- Patrick Goldschmidt (DP)
Centre hospitalier Luxembourg (general hospital)
This public institution is managed in accordance with private law.
Full members
- Lydie Polfer (DP)
- Yves Wagener (déi Gréng)
- Maurice Bauer (CSV)
Alternate members
- Claude Radoux (DP)
- Gabriel Boisante (LSAP)
- Bob Biver (CSV)
Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps
- Lydie Polfer (DP)
- Patrick Goldschmidt (DP)
- Maurice Bauer (CSV)