In short

Education and experience
- 1992 – Secondary school diploma (B classique), Lycée Michel Rodange Luxembourg
- 1992–2004 – Vordiplom (undergraduate degree) in Trier (Germany), bachelor's degree, graduate degree and doctorate (PhD) in Systematic Theology (Rome, Italy)
- 2010–2011 – Zertifikat in Nachhaltiger Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Kaiserslautern, Germany (partly done by distance learning)
- 2014–2015 – Coaching training course at the University of Trier, alongside his professional career
- 2016 – "A life of happiness and fulfilment" certificate, Coursera (distance learning)
Work experience
- 1999–2010 – Priest for the Catholic church of Luxembourg in Rome and Esch-sur-Alzette (specific responsibilities: youth pastor at local, regional and national levels for the "Pimp my church" project, teacher)
- 2011–2017 – Director of projects for the volunteer division at Young Caritas Luxembourg (the Caritas Luxembourg programme for young volunteers in the social sector), informal coordinator of the "Young Caritas in Europe" network.
- 2016 – European Citizen's Prize for Luxembourg
Political experience
- Member of the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) party since 2016
- Member of the municipal council of the City of Luxembourg since 4 December 2017
- During his 2017–2023 mandate with the City of Luxembourg: Chair of the City of Luxembourg's sports and recreation commission; Vice-Chair of the social action, health and seniors commission; member of the school commission.
- Member of the Chamber of Deputies since October 2018
- For the Chamber of Deputies: member of the commissions for family affairs, work and employment, environment and energy, education, foreign affairs and cooperation, and petitions.
- Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe since October 2021; rapporteur on the challenges faced by Belarussian exilees
- General Secretary of the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) since 2021
Other activities
- Member of the board of directors of Wheels Up ASBL
- Member of the board of directors of ONGD Guiden a Scouten fir eng Welt
- Member of the board of directors of Erwuessebildung ASBL
- Lecturer (theology, philosophy, social issues)
- Author of the book "Situation und Botschaft" (De Gruyter, Berlin 2012)
- Sports, painting, reading, film, travel
Alderman for
- Education – school commission
- School health
- Crèches
- CAPEL and Haus vun der Natur
- Children's programmes and extracurricular activities
- Foyers scolaires
- Coordination of youth group activities
- City youth centres and hostel
- Implementation of youth plan