Open session
1. Questions asked by municipal councillors.
2. Traffic: permanent amendments to the traffic regulations – temporary regulations – confirmation of temporary regulations – decision.
3. Agreements – approval.
4. Work estimate – approval.
- Detailed final plans for the renovation and remodelling of two City-owned houses at 6 and 6a, rue de la Barrière in Merl – approval.
- Detailed final plans for the renovation and remodelling of two single-family houses at 6 and 7, rue du Château in Dommeldange
- Detailed final plans for the renovation and remodelling of the Cinémathèque at 17, place du Théâtre
- Amended price quotation – Construction of a bridge for pedestrians and cyclists linking the districts of Cents, Neudorf and Weimershof
- Project for infrastructure work on Rue Cents (final plot)
- Project for infrastructure work on Rue de Beggen N7
5. Urban planning:
- Classification of the building located at 17, place d’Armes as a national cultural heritage site – opinion.
- Subdivision of land pursuant to Article 29 of the law on municipal planning (loi concernant l'aménagement communal) – decision.
6. Financial aid to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for projects in developing countries – decision.
7. Allocation of a grant to the AIMF – decision.
8. Amendment to the articles of association of the Agence Luxembourgeoise d’Action Culturelle a.s.b.l. – approval.
9. Education: definitive school organisation for 2024/2025: assignment of teaching staff and educators – surveillance schedule – amendments.
10. Political leave for mayors, aldermen and local councillors: allocation of the new quota of hours of additional political leave – decision.
11. Motion tabled by the Déi Gréng political group to improve the quality of life in the Gare district – vote.
12. Municipal regulations – approval. – Amendment to articles 82 and 84 of the amended regulation of 2 June 2014 on cemeteries
13. Office social (Social Welfare Office): organisational structure – opinion.
14. Office social (Social Welfare Office): creation of positions – opinion.
15. Legal affairs: authorisations to initiate legal proceedings – decision. 16. Creation/elimination of positions – decision.
Closed session
17. Advisory committees: replacement of members.
18. Social Welfare Office (Office social): personnel matters – opinion.
19. Personnel matters – decision.
Live broadcast of meetings
Watch the video recording of this session.
Summary record
The summary record is a transcript of the discussions held and decisions taken by the municipal council. As such, it is an important source of information for citizens of the capital with regard to projects and measures that may have an impact on their daily life.
The summary record of this session will be made available shortly.
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Questions asked by municipal councillors
Article 13, paragraph 3 of the Municipal Law establishes that each member of the Municipal Council, acting in their individual capacity, shall enjoy the right of initiative to add to the agenda drawn up by the College of Aldermen one or more proposals that they wish to submit to the Municipal Council.
Such proposals must be submitted to the mayor in the form of a written reasoned request at least three days before the meeting of the Municipal Council.