The Service Foyers Scolaires (Childcare Department) organises educational activities for children aged 3 to 12 after school and during school holidays.
The core mission of the Service Foyers scolaires is to enhance your child's development and complement their learning with non-formal education. Each childcare centre is a soothing, supportive, stable, welcoming and stimulating environment that offers a host of educational activities and projects. A key feature of the centres is their configuration: each one has activity rooms that children can explore on their own in order to engage in the activities that interest them most.
The work of the Service Foyers is organised by two operational centres: the Foyers scolaires operational centre, which coordinates the child supervision services provided after school and during school holidays, and the Centre d'animation pédagogique et de loisirs (Creative Learning Centre – CAPEL), which runs Aktioun Bambësch (school holiday activity programme) and organises other educational events and projects. CAPEL is a centre of expertise in learning through play and theatre. It often serves in an advisory role in working groups on issues related to children and educational approaches in preparation for the implementation of interdisciplinary projects.
Our mission
The staff of the Service Foyers scolaires help promote children's well-being and their physical, mental and emotional development by applying their expertise in caring for, listening to, supporting and stimulating children. In the right setting, all children can flourish and develop to their full potential.
Our mission is to operate in a way that continually advances inclusive values, with the following objectives:
- respecting the fundamental rights and basic needs of children and families;
- promoting the development of children at both the individual and collective level;
- developing a sense of belonging to a community (family, care centre, neighbourhood, city, etc.);
- promoting responsible and independent behaviour that is respectful towards oneself, others, and the environment.
Our values
Our educational approach is based on the following values: respect, safety, trust, empathy and good will.
Key skills displayed by our staff include being open to learning new things and embracing critical self-reflection. This helps us guarantee that all children are welcomed and supported in a healthy, comfortable environment that fosters solidarity and sharing, active participation, interpersonal communication, tolerance, acceptance of differences and gender equality. Our work is inclusive.
All activities are planned, prepared and carried out based on the following principles:
- use of fun methodologies, with play as the main tool for learning;
- stimulation of children's creativity by having them initiate their own activities and projects;
- participation in various cultural activities (environment, cultural visits, music, sports, theatre, painting, excursions, holiday camps, etc.);
- communication mainly in Luxembourgish.
Educational concept
Schedule and operation
Term time
Monday–Friday, during term time:
- 11:50 to 12:30: Arrival of children from the early learning centre and preschool, organisation of educational and fun activities
- 12:00 to 12:30: Arrival of children from Cycles 2–4 (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays), organisation of educational and fun activities
- 12:30 to 14:00: Lunch and activities
- 14:00 to 16:00: Educational activities and projects, and supervision of homework (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
- 16:00 to 18:00: Snack, educational activities and projects, and supervision of homework (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays). Children from Cycle 1 arrive at 15:50 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
- 18:00 to 18:30: Supervision and activities
School holidays
Monday–Friday, from 7:30 to 18:30 during school holidays:
- 7:30 to 12:30: Educational activities and projects, and snack
- 12:30 to 14:00: Arrival and lunch
- 14:00 to 16:00: Educational activities and projects
- 16:00 to 18:00: Educational activities and projects, and snack
- 18:00 to 18:30: Supervision and activities
Closed days
- The foyer scolaires will be closed on the working day preceding the back-to-school date.
- The foyers scolaires are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
- The foyer scolaires are closed from 14:00 on 24 December until 1 January, inclusive. During the “Aktioun Bambësch” programme (Christmas, Easter, summer), the foyers scolaires close at 14:00.
Luxembourg City reserves the right to adapt its closed days during the Christmas and New Year break. Any such changes will be communicated by the directors during enrolment.
Sign up
Registration at the foyers scolaires takes place during set periods. These are fixed in the registration calendars.
Read on for important information about registration for the 2024-2025 school year, which will take place:
- For pupils of Cycle 1.0 (early education): from Monday, 15 April to Friday, 26 April 2024
- For pupils of Cycle 1.1 (Spillschoul) to Cycle 4.2: from Monday, 26 February to Friday, 29 March 2024
Registration at the foyers scolaires takes place during set periods. These are fixed in the registration calendars.
Read on for important information about registration for the 2024-2025 school year, which will take place:
- For pupils of Cycle 1.0 (early education): from Monday, 15 April to Friday, 26 April 2024
- For pupils of Cycle 1.1 (Spillschoul) to Cycle 4.2: from Monday, 26 February to Friday, 29 March 2024
To get an appointment to enrol your child, please contact your local foyer scolaire.
The admission and enrolment procedures for the City of Luxembourg's foyers scolaires for the 2024-2025 school year are detailed in the document "Policies and procedures of the City of Luxembourg's foyers scolaires 2024–2025". This document will be available as of 19 February 2024.
In order to schedule an appointment and determine which enrolment type is most suited to your situation, please contact the head (chargé(e) de direction) of the foyer scolaire in your neighbourhood (see enclosed the list with the contact details) as early as possible, but no later than Friday, 29 March 2024.
The following documents are needed to enrol:
- A copy of the child's registration with the childcare service voucher scheme (Contrat d'adhésion au chèque-service). This document is required to open or update your child's personal file.
- A social security certificate for the parent(s)/guardian(s)/legal guardian(s) (this document can be obtained free of charge at /
- Employees of the European Union institutions and parents/guardians working abroad may submit a certificate of employment instead of a social security certificate.
The date of your appointment has no bearing on the priority level given to your application.
According to the terms of admission and priority criteria outlined in the document "Policies and procedures of the City of Luxembourg's foyers scolaires" for 2024-2025, and depending on the places available at each foyer, your child will be either granted admission or placed on a waiting list. Parents will be informed of their child's admission status in mid-June 2024 in most cases.
We charge Chèque-Service Accueil (CSA) rates. Children enrolled in the City of Luxembourg's foyers scolaires must be holders of a chèque-service accueil card.
Snacks: balanced, energy-boosting, and wholesome!
Your child's foyer scolaire provides snacks throughout the day. These snacks contribute to maintaining a daily nutritional balance, but are not a replacement for a child's main meals. A well-balanced and varied breakfast, lunch and dinner, combined with a healthy snack in the afternoon, contribute to a child's general health and well-being.
- Offer a choice of suitable foods to cover children's basic daily nutritional needs.
- Offer fresh and wholesome products, without chemical additives:
- organic foods;
- regional and seasonal products, and fair-trade products;
- eco-friendly products.
- Stimulate children's taste buds and introduce them to the joy of discovering new flavours.
We give your children
- fresh fruit;
- fresh vegetables;
- cereal products;
- whole-grain bread;
- fresh dairy products;
- wholesome spreads without additives;
- fresh water.
Contact details
Department Head: Björn Poels – Tel.: 4796-4622
Administrative Director: Paul Regenwetter – Tel.: 4796-4617
Director of operations: Scott Kretz – Tel.: 4796-3164
Guidance Counsellor: Laura Calzà – Tel.: 4796-4611
Social Worker: Jennifer Lucarelli – Tel. : 4796-4621
Dušan Dekić - Tel.: 4796-4619
Patrick Hienckes – Tel.: 4796-4605
Contracts, agreements, authorisations, and infrastructure
Daniel Schaack - Tel.: 4796-2781
Patrick Pesche - Tel.: 4796-4657
General services
Technical support
Ben Nettgen - Tel.: 4796-2774
Antonio Ruggieri – Tel.: 4796-3157
Sonia Knebeler – Tel.: 4796-3849
Pascal Kremer – Tel.: 4796-4658
- Kitchen facilities
Raoul Scheffen – Tel.: 4796-4656
- Depot
Steve Böhnisch – Tel.: 4796-4659
Tanja Graffe – Tel.: 4796-4464
Personnel administration
Christine Feller – Tel.: 4796-3264
Annick Becker – Tel.: 4796 -3127
Stefania Piazza - Tel.: 4796-3118
Christiane Neu – Tel.: 4796-3273
Mariana Gabriel - Tel.: 4796-4603
Michèle Frisch / Carine Ansiaux - Tel.: 4796-4612
Beggen – Marche 34 C2-C4
Cristiana Nascimento De Sousa
34, rue de Marche, L-2125
Tel.: 4796-3192
Beggen – Marche 38 C1
Mandy Gengler
38, rue de Marche, L-2125
Tel.: 4796-2051
Belair – Kayser C1-C4
Dan Wintersdorff / Silvia da Silva Tavares / Patrice Scholtes
2, rue Aloyse Kayser, L-1854
Tel.: 4796-2446
Belair – Charles IV C1-C4
Kelly Henriques / Sara Matias Salvado / Béatrice Mehlinger
19, rue Charles IV, L-1309
Tel.: 4796-4360/4361
Bonnevoie-Sud – Gellé C1-C4
Catherine Schlechter / Marc Panunzi
6A, rue J.-B. Gellé, L-1620
Tel.: 4796-3218/6288/6192
Bonnevoie-Sud – Schlechter C3-C4
Sue Jacoby
55, rue D. Schlechter, L-2521
Tel.: 4796-3239/3499
Bonnevoie-Sud – Prés C1-C2
Christiane Weis / Stéphanie Guedes de Barros
18, rue des Prés, L-2349
Tel.: 4796-2251/2252
Bonnevoie-Sud – Foyer Pinocchio C1-C4
INTER-ACTIONS / Catherine Servais
11, rue Henri Vannerus, L-2662
Tel.: 48 18 30
Bonnevoie-Nord – Verger C1-C4
Claire Goedert / Sandy Hoffmann
39, rue du Verger, L-2665
Tel.: 4796-3240/3215
Cents – Kauffman C1
Laura Morales
38, rue Léon Kauffman / L-1853
Tel.: 4796-6111
Cents – Knaff C1-C4
Laura Agostini / Sabrina Abreu / Laura Morales
25, rue Arthur Knaff, L-1862
Tel.: 4796-2466
Cents – Foyer Inclusion C1-C4
Nadine Weimerskirch
167, rue de Trèves, L-2630
Tel.: 4796-2769
Cents – Foyer PDR
Olivier Sztantics
167, rue de Trèves, L-2630
Tel.: 4796-3250
Cessange – Cessange – C2-C4
Peter Ostrihon / Magali Steichen
217, rue de Cessange, L-1321
Tel.: 4796-3238/3201
Cessange – Verte 21 – C1
Marisa Cavaleiro
21, rue Verte, L-2667
Tel.: 4796-2220/3298
Cessange – Verte 23 – International Gaston Thorn – C2-C4
Martine Klepper / Patricia Ferreira
23, rue Verte, L-2667
Tel.: 4796-2223/2225
Dommeldange – Château C1-C4
Peggy Simon
2, rue du Château, L-1329
Tel.: 4796-3176
Eich – Eich C1-C4
Wendy Castellon
16, rue d'Eich, L-1460
Tel.: 4796-6898
Eich – 7 Arpents C1
Annick Lentz
103 , rue des Sept-Arpents, L-1149
Tel.: 4796-6180
Gare – Strasbourg C1-C4
Mireille Frank
29A, rue de Strasbourg, L-2561
Tel.: 4796-2546/2541
Gare – Fischer C1-C4
92A, rue Adolphe Fischer, L-1521
Tel.: 4796-4883
Gasperich – Gasperich C1-C4
Danielle Meyers / Tessy Degraux / Rosa Estanqueiro / René Clemens / Rachel PORTZEN
60, rue de Gasperich L-1617
Tel.: 4796-3231/3230/3232/4827
Gasperich – Foyer Transition C1-C4
Nadine Weimerskirch
15, rue Guiseppe Verdi, L-2664
Tel.: 4796-6212
Grund – Haus vun de Kanner C1-C4
INTER-ACTIONS / Maïva Fortes
12, Bisserwee, L-1238
Tel.: 47 12 48 / Mobile: 621 227 353
Hamm – Hamm C1-C4
Alain Ntambua
157A, rue de Hamm, L-1713
Tel.: 4796-3269/3267
Hollerich – Meyer C1-C4
Lucie Da Silva / Elisabeth Even
25, rue Antoine Meyer, L-1626
Tel.: 4796-2359
Kirchberg – Kiem 1B C2-C4
Samantha Wolff / Melissa Mertens
1B, rue A. Beffort, L-1276
Tel.: 4796-6306
Kirchberg – Kiem 4 – C1
Aurélie Weyland
4, rue A. Beffort, L-1276
Tel.: 4796-4380
Limpertsberg – Ermesinde C1
Fritz Reiter
49A, rue Ermesinde, L-1469
Tel.: 4796-2743/2750
Limpertsberg – Henri VII C2-C4
Tanja Hoffmann / Paulo Paiva
46, rue Henri VII, L-1725
1, rue Batty Weber, L-2716 (school)
Tel.: 4796-2240/2241
Merl – Merl C1.1-C4.2.
Carla Alexandra Pereira Gomes / Laetitia Da Silva De Sousa
98, rue de Merl, L-2146
Tel.: 4796-2465 / 4796-2494 – Mobile: 691 912 465
Merl – Cahen C1.0
Marie-Paule Gillen
64, bd Marcel Cahen, L-1311
Tel.: 4796-6162 – Mobile: 691 970 353
Neudorf – Laladudo C1-C4
212, rue de Neudorf, L-2222
Tel.: 42 55 29
Pfaffenthal/Clausen – Atelier Zeralda – oppend Haus Pafendall C1-C4
Myriam Siebenaler
8, rue Vauban, L-2663 Luxembourg
Tel.: 473360 / Mobile: 661 473 360
More information
Rollingergrund – Rollingergrund C1-C4
Melanie Negri
213, rue de Rollingergrund, L-2441
Tel.: 4796-2535/2530
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