Since 2011, the City of Luxembourg has been actively committed to fostering gender equality in sport, raising the profile of high-level female athletes and raising public awareness of gender-related stereotypes, challenges and inequalities, and their impact, as part of the municipal Gender Equality Action Plan.
The association, "Egalité F/H dans le sport" ("Gender Equality in Sport")
The association, "Égalité F/H dans le sport", of which the City is a member, brings together the Luxembourg municipal authorities which launched the first International Women's Sports Day in Luxembourg.
The initiative is backed by the Conseil National des Femmes du Luxembourg (National Women's Council of Luxembourg – CNFL), which coordinates the project.
International Women's Sports Day
International Women's Sports Day is an international celebration that was first held in France in 2014. In light of the under-representation of women's sport in the media, France's Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (National Audiovisual Regulatory Authority), in concert with France's National Olympic and Sports Committee, launched International Women's Sports Day with the aim of enhancing the visibility and promoting better media coverage of women's sport.
The aim of International Women's Sports Day is to address the various inequalities that persist in sport:
- several surveys have found that fewer women actively engage in sports, and that this is often due to gender stereotypes and an unequal distribution of family responsibilities;
- athletes involved in certain women's sports (e.g. soccer, rugby, boxing) still suffer from stereotypes and prejudice;
- media coverage of women's sports events is inadequate;
- in sporting institutions (clubs, federations, etc.), there are fewer women in management and decision-making roles.
- A profile video of Ankie Timmers, winner of the 2024 Mérite Elsy Jacobs award, produced by the City's Service Communication et relations publiques (Communications and Public Relations Department). Profile video, released for International Women's Sports Day. Watch the video on Instagram
- "Mardi littéraire" (Literary Tuesday) on the themes of equality and inclusion in sport, on 25 February 2025 at the Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque More information
- Round-table discussion on the theme of women in sport in Luxembourg, in January 2024, at Cercle Cité.
- A major article on women's sport in the January issue of City magazine, highlighting the work of Luxembourg City clubs. Read the article
Mérite Elsy Jacobs award
The "Mérite Elsy Jacobs" prize is awarded in recognition of an individual's efforts to advance gender equality in sport. In 2023, for the first time, the prize was awarded to two winners: a national winner and a local winner from Luxembourg City.

2024 – Ankie Timmers
Ankie Timmers, an internationally-renowned powerlifter, has been training at the Hamm sports hall for many years. She won the silver medal at the 2018 World Championship and the gold medal at the 2019 European Championship. In addition to her many sporting titles, Ankie is known for her tireless efforts to promote women's powerlifting, and coordinates women's activities within the Luxembourg Powerlifting & Weightlifting Federation.
2023 – Jeanny Lauer from CSL
Jeanny Lauer, who has held the roles of Secretary and Treasurer of CSL Athletics for 25 years, is passionately committed to supporting both male and female athletes during competitions, with a view to promoting gender equality in sport.
Gender Equality Day – Ladies Tennis Masters Luxembourg
Support for the "Luxembourg Ladies Tennis Masters" international tennis tournament, and collaboration with the International Women's Tennis Promotion (IWTP) for the tournament.
- Organisation of the round-table discussion, "Letz talk", which addresses gender equality in sport and show business (at the Amphitheatre in d'Coque).
- Organisation of tennis lessons for an elementary school class, with renowned female tennis players.
Women's Cycling Festival
Support for the Elsy Jacobs elite cycling race, a 2-stage race, with a stage in Luxembourg City, organised by SaF-Zéisséng as part of the Elsy Jacobs women's cycling festival: miscellaneous communications activities aimed at enhancing the visibility of women in cycling.
