The Service Cimetières (Cemeteries Department) is in charge of maintenance (green spaces and roads) at the city's 13 municipal cemeteries, which have a total surface area of 27 hectares. 15,310 burial plots have been granted by the College of Aldermen at the various municipal cemeteries to date.
The Service Cimetières provides a 24/7 hearse service to transport remains to the city's 18 municipal mortuaries, or to the Laboratoire National de Santé in Dudelange.
Gravediggers open and close the graves before and after burials. They act as pallbearers, assist during funeral services, and also assist with scattering ashes at the Merl-Belair cemetery.
Charles-Auguste Praum
Ce monument funéraire repris par la Ville de Luxembourg rappelle la prospérité et l’engagement social d’une vieille famille de marchands et artisans de Luxembou…
Abbé Jean-Pierre Maeysz
Maeysz was instrumental in fighting the cholera outbreak that ravaged the Grund in 1832. However, his greatest achievements stem from his drive to improve publ…
Adolphe Goergen
La concession datant de 1911 a été reprise par la Ville de Luxembourg en 2014 et rappelle la mémoire de l’auteur Adolphe Goergen qui figure au dictionnaire des …
Albert Thilges (Thilges-Lambert family plot)
This mausoleum, which dates back to 1906, is the oldest one still standing in Luxembourg City. (45 ND 06/10/01)
Alphonse Kemp (Kemp family plot)
The burial monument to the architects Pierre and Alphonse Kemp is the only one in Notre-Dame cemetery bearing a Celtic cross. (41 ND 05/03/05)
Batty Weber (Weber-Brugmann family plot)
Writer Batty Weber is interred with his wife Emma Weber-Brugmann, who was also a renowned author. (52 ND 08/19/06)
Bernard Graf (Graf-Ulveling family plot)
In terms of his involvement in cultural activities, Bernard Graf co-founded the "reading society", the goal of which was to set up a reading room and buy and s…
Bernhard Groethuysen and Alix Guillain
The philosopher, Bernard Groethuysen, was born in Berlin on 9 January 1880 and is among the most internationally renowned figures interred in the old Protestant…
Bisserié-Stemper family plot
This grave, taken over by the City of Luxembourg in 2014, forms a contiguous unit with those around it in the first row, near the main entrance. (36 ND 03/01/02…
Burial and cremation, date and time of the ceremony, place of burial or interment of ashes, grave deeds, funerary monuments and forest cemeteries
Captain Guillaume Weydert
The monument to Captain Weydert is the first one you see when you enter the cemetery. (27 ND 03/01/02)
Charles Brandebourg
La Ville a repris la concession pour rappeler la mémoire de Charles Brandebourg, un des premiers photographes prenant la Ville de Luxembourg en objet de ces ima…
Charles Schmitz
Charles Schmitz, who was born in Luxembourg City on 9 July 1855, had a storied legal career. (11 ND 2/02/02)
Charles Winkler (Winkler-Manderscheid family plot)
The concession for the cemetery plot on which the Winkler-Manderscheid monument stands expired in 2003. (46 ND)
Colling-Jacob family plot
The monument showcases Luxembourgish traditional use of dressed stone, combined with a cast iron cross of redemption decorated with gothic fleurons. (39 ND 02/1…
Cordonnier-Polomé family grave
This cluster of burial monuments surrounded by a wrought iron fence is the only one of its kind in the Notre-Dame Cemetery. It commemorates several generations …
Dominique de Neunhäuser, Charles-Hubert Weber and Bernard Haal (Bernard Haal burial plot)
The grave deed of what is commonly known as the Bernard Haal monument is held by the clergy. (54 ND 02/09/02)
Dr. Jacques Wester (Wester-Pretemer family mausoleum)
The mausoleum erected by Marie-Hélène Léonie Pretemer (1863–1943) in 1931 in honour of her husband, Dr Jacques Wester (1861–1906), and her daughter, Marie-Susan…
Edmond Patzké
At the request of Austria's Archduke Friedrich, through an appointment by the King-Grand Duke William III, Patzké was summoned to politically neutral Luxembourg…
Edouard Hastert
La concession « Edouard Hastert » rappelle l’histoire d’un des pionniers du béton et du mortier.
Edouard Wolff
Jean-Édouard Wolff was born in Luxembourg City on 1 April 1851 to Jean-Baptiste Wolff and Delphine Deitz (1830–1853), for whom the tomb was erected. (17 ND 01/1…
Eugène Kurth
Eugène Kurth was born on 25 March 1868 in Dudelange. As an artist, he made his name as a flower painter. (12 ND 01/03/01)
Evrard Ketten
Evrard Ketten (1842-1912) was one of the leading rose breeders established in Avenue de la Faïencerie. (3 ND 05/07/05)
Evy Friedrich
Evy Friedrich compte parmi les pionniers du cinéma et de la critique cinématographique au Luxembourg. (VI 07.718)
Famille Lamort-Pescatore
La concession remonte à 1890 et a été cédée à la Ville de Luxembourg en 2011. La Ville a protégé ce monument comme il rappelle la mémoire d’une importante famil…
Famille Staar
La concession datant de 1922 et aménagée dans la partie agrandie en 1915 du cimetière a été reprise par la ville en 2003. Le monument rappelle l’histoire d’une …
Ferdinand et Marie Joséphine Pescatore (Poulmaire)
This Renaissance-inspired monument recounts the story of Charles Philippe Louis Pescatore who served as Mayor of the City of Luxembourg from 1844 to 1848 and wa…
Fernand Mertens
Fernand Mertens was the recipient of Luxembourg's National Order of Merit, and the Gold and Silver medals of the French "Arts, Sciences et Lettres" academic soc…
François de Colnet d’Huart
La famille de Colnet appartient à une ancienne famille de gentilshommes exerçant la profession de verriers et dont les titres remontent jusqu’aux règnes des roi…
François Roeser
François Roeser, who was born on 18 September 1754 in Luxembourg City, is known for being the last justiciar of the City of Luxembourg. (19 ND 01/15/18)
François Scheer-Scheer
44 ND 02/20/14
François Scheffer-Seyler
François Scheffer was one of Luxembourg City's most renowned mayors. (16 ND 01/13/06)
François-Charles Emmanuel Collin (Collin-Gindorff)
François-Charles Emmanuel Collin, a member of the constituent assembly called in 1848 to write and pass a new national constitution, was born in Hives near La R…
Friedrich Wilhelm Voigt
During his lifetime, with help from the press, Wilhelm Voigt became famous as the "Captain of Köpenick" by playing himself in variety shows in Canada and the Un…
Germaine Devas
Cette concession remonte à 1911 et a été cédée à la Ville de Luxembourg en 2010. Le monument rappelle la mémoire d’une femme active dans l’entrepreneuriat et qu…
Guillaume Lefèvre
Guillaume Lefèvre allait faire une belle carrière en étant nommé sans interruption de 1886 à 1916 comme représentant pour le commerce général à la Chambre du Co…
Henri Woquier
Henri Woquier was recorded in the City of Luxembourg's Livre de bienfaisance and entered on its wall of city benefactors displayed at the city hall. (18 ND 01…
Hinzerter Kräiz
The National Memorial for Resistance Fighters and the Deported symbolises the suffering endured by the people who opposed the policies of the Nazi occupiers fro…
Interesting graves in Notre-Dame Cemetery
This walking tour includes 56 burial monuments, all of which can be found in Notre-Dame Cemetery. The tour focuses on sections developed between 1690 and 1918.
Jean Enzweiler
La concession a été reprise par la Ville de Luxembourg en 1980. Sa protection rappelle non seulement la mémoire des défunts, mais souligne aussi la qualité phys…
Jean Knaff
La concession remontant à 1913 a été cédée à la Ville de Luxembourg en 2003. Elle rappelle la mémoire d’une famille de pionniers industriels au Luxembourg.
Jean Mersch-Wittenauer
La concession remontant à 1879 a été reprise par la Ville de Luxembourg en 2003. Elle est inscrite à l’inventaire communal du patrimoine funéraire pour son cara…
Jean Scheer
La concession figure à l’inventaire des monuments funéraires protégés pour son caractère et style, mais également pour rappeler la mémoire de Jean Scheer, direc…
Jean Worré
Jean Worré (1816–1901) was a civil engineer who joined the Public Works Administration (Administration des travaux publics) in 1845. The municipal archives and …
Jean-Antoine Zinnen
Le compositeur de l’hymne national, Jean-Antoine Zinnen (1827-1899), dont l’épitaphe reproduit les premières notes, est né à Neuerbourg. (6 ND 06/02/01)
Jean-Baptiste Gellé
Jean-Baptiste Gellé, born 23 July 1777 in Créhange (Lorraine, France) can be considered one of the founding fathers of Luxembourg as we know it today. (15 ND 01…
Jean-François Eydt
Cette tombe renferme les dépouilles mortelles d’une importante famille industrielle de la ville, ainsi que celle de Jean-François Eydt, architecte de la ville d…
Jean-François Eydt (Eydt-Schaefer family plot)
Jean-François Eydt became the City of Luxembourg architect in 1834. He is known for leading the Luxembourg City Hall construction project, building the covered …
Johny Glesener
Johny Glesener (1914-1989) est considéré comme l'un des pionniers de la musique jazz luxembourgeoise.
Joseph Junck
Joseph Junk's civic engagement earned him many honours. (5 ND 05/17/01)
Joseph Massarette
La concession remonte à 1904 et a été cédée à la Ville de Luxembourg. Le monument conserve la dépouille mortelle de Joseph Massarette, pionnier de la recherche …
Jules Van Damme
The tomb of Jules-Charles-Ernest van Damme (1854–1892) is in the shape of a high-back throne. The granite base is decorated with ornamental bronze grating. (4 N…
Klein-Demuth family plot
The grave of Auguste Klein is a reminder of the life and achievements of a much-loved musician. (31 ND 03/26/16)
Léon de La Fontaine (La Fontaine family plot)
The Léon de la Fontaine family burial monument is a new style of monument representing a bench made from granite and bronze. The family crest occupies the centr…
Lucie Pauline Stiff-Hippert
The Grand Ducal Decree of 15 January 1918 authorised the creation of the Fondation Lucie-Pauline Stiff, an academic scholarship fund set up by Ms Stiff…
Luxembourg City cemeteries
Luxembourg City has 14 cemeteries. These are located in Bonnevoie, Cessange, Clausen, Fetschenhof, Hamm, Hollerich, Limpertsberg, Merl, Neudorf, Pfaffenthal, Ro…
Marguerite Kellen-Lorang
Marguerite Lorang (1841–1922) was a pioneering midwife from Luxembourg. (22 ND 05/21/04)
Mathias Manternach
Comme l’abbé Jean-Pierre Maeysz il soignait les malades du choléra en 1832 et fut nommé membre de la commission urbaine d’écoles. Son attention était explicitem…
Mathias Schaaf-Gengler
The family of Mathias Schaaf and Marie-Anne Gengler, the last owners of the burial plot before the City of Luxembourg took it over in 2018, had its roots in Ett…
Melchior Bourg-Gemen
Born on 17 April 1861 in Luxembourg City, Melchior Bourg helped put Luxembourg on the world map as a leading exporter of roses. (14 ND 01/10/07)
Michel and Victor Engels (Engels-Greiveldinger family plot)
This tomb, which is now maintained by the City of Luxembourg, commemorates two illustrious figures from the capital: artist and painter Michel Engels and archit…
Michel Lentz
Michel Lentz (1833–1893), a national poet, felt an intimate bond with the city of his birth. Lentz was renowned for his poems and songs, most of which were comp…
Nicolas Hemmen
Nicolas Hemmen, who was born on 24 February 1855, was a pioneering figure in the field of education in Luxembourg. Hemmen was renowned for the lectures he deliv…
Nicolas Majerus (Marchand-Majerus family plot)
The burial monument consists of a headstone bearing an urn, with a font at its base. The inspiration for the monument came from the design of the water fountain…
Nicolas Steffen Pierret
Nicolas Steffen-Pierret was born in Mühlenbach on 29 November 1830 and is best remembered for being a social writer. (21 ND 01/35/14)
Paul Elter-Reuter
Paul Elter was born in Capellen on 12 December 1855, and earned his doctorate in law on 11 November 1879. The grave monument, which was restored by the City in …
Paul Eyschen
Minister of State Paul Eyschen was born in Diekirch in 1841. His father was Charles-Gérard Eyschen, president of the district court. (8 ND 08/01/01)
Paul Palgen
Cette concession qui remonte à 1913 a été reprise par la Ville de Luxembourg en 2009 en mémoire de l’auteur luxembourgeois Paul Palgen.
Paul Weber
La Ville a repris la concession renfermant Paul Weber, Conseiller d’État honoraire et Conseiller honoraire du Japon. (35 ND 06/04/04)
Pierre Clomes
Abbot Pierre Clomes, who was born on 15 January 1790, is known for creating a scholarship and for amassing an extraordinary library that he bequeathed to the st…
Pierre Schaeffer (Eiffes-Schaeffer family plot)
The Eiffes family plot is the only one of its kind in Luxembourg City. The monument is an enormous cross in the form of a tree of life, rising up over a cluster…
Putty Stein
Putty Stein est un des auteurs satiriques les plus populaires du Luxembourg.
Register a death
Deaths must be registered with the civil registry of the municipal office for the place of death within 24 hours.
Sophie De Bette
The burial monument erected in memory of Sophie de Bette offers some insight into life in early 19th-century Luxembourg City. (30 ND 03/24/04)
Thomas Byrne (Byrne-Baustert family plot)
The tomb in memory of Thomas Byrne (1825–1884) and his wife, Geneviève Baustert (1830–1908), is protected by metal bars. Its design is simple compared to the ex…
Unknown soldier
The construction of the mausoleum represented the joining of the Luxembourg people with the Belgian and French allies to form a united front against a defeated …