Throughout their education, children enrolled in Luxembourg City primary schools undergo regular check-ups organised by the Service Médecine scolaire (School Health Department), in accordance with the law of 2 December 1987 regulating school health procedures (loi du 2 décembre 1987 portant règlementation de la médecine scolaire), as amended by the Grand Ducal Regulation of 24 October 2011.
The department caters for children and their parents, teachers, and childcare centre educators, as well as any person with a close relationship to the child.
The Service Médecine scolaire team comprises school physicians, social hygiene assistants, social workers, nurses and secretaries.
Other activities
- Free dietary consultations, in collaboration with an external dietitian.
- Distribution of first aid kits to all municipal schools, crèches and childcare centres
- Intervention in case of child maltreatment or sexual abuse: if child abuse is suspected, the Service Médecine scolaire is contacted. It makes sure this information is passed on to the appropriate authorities and that follow-up measures are taken.
- Head lice: lice regularly make an appearance at schools, crèches and childcare centres, and always cause a great deal of concern. It should be remembered, however, that they are a common occurrence and anyone can get lice. They are no indication of poor hygiene. If your child has lice, please contact the teacher and, if necessary, the Service Médecine scolaire staff.
- Throughout the school year, activities and events that focus on promoting health in schools are organised in collaboration with various partners in the educational community.

Promoting children's health
Health-related activities and initiatives aim to encourage children and their families to make healthier choices in terms of diet and daily activities.

School health checks
Health checks are carried out free of charge to monitor the health of children enrolled in the city's municipal schools.