World Endometriosis Awareness Month
In order to raise awareness for endometriosis, the City has organised two events this year: a meet and exchange workshop for people affected by endometriosis (which was held in March), and a conference with round-table discussion that will take place on 10 May 2022. These events aim to raise awareness of a condition that is still largely unknown among the general public, patients themselves and many healthcare professionals.
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects around one in ten women*.
Its symptoms vary widely depending on the location of endometrial implants. The main symptoms include painful periods (dysmenorrhoea), excessive bleeding, infertility, digestive and urinary disorders, chronic fatigue, pelvic and back pain, and painful intercourse (dyspareunia). Pain is the most common symptom, and is too strong to be treated with paracetamol. This pain is debilitating and can leave sufferers incapacitated for several days. In the most severe cases, it becomes chronic (source: endofrance).
Despite a substantial increase in research on the condition in the past few years, the average time from the initial onset of symptoms to diagnosis and treatment is between 7 and 10 years.
* Trans men and people identifying as non-binary, as well as cis men, may also be affected by this condition. As endometriosis is regarded as a women's disease, their suffering is even more invisible. During our conference, we wish to give these people a voice as well.
Meet and exchange workshop for people affected by endometriosis (30/03/2022)
People affected by endometriosis were able to come together at this informal get-together to share their experiences and coping strategies.
This event was organised by the City of Luxembourg together with CID Fraen an Gender, and the municipalities of Dudelange and Bettembourg.

Conference and round-table discussion (10/05/2022)
Conference and round-table discussion on 10 May 2022
To provide insight into the various aspects of the condition – explain what endometriosis is, how it is treated and where to find support – gynaecologists from Luxembourg and abroad, alternative-medicine specialists and psychologists will be contributing to the discussions. A moderator will preside over the round-table discussion, which will include several video testimonials.
The aim is to:
provide information on the causes, symptoms, effects and treatment of the condition, and to give patients, the general public and healthcare professionals the opportunity to discuss and share their views and experiences on the issue.
The round-table discussion to raise awareness and disseminate information about the condition is organised jointly by the municipalities of Dudelange and Bettembourg, together with the associations CID-Fraen an Gender, Centre LGBTIQ+ Cigale, the National reference centre for the promotion of sexual and emotional health (Centre national de référence pour la promotion de la santé affective et sexuelle – CESAS), and Friends of the Louvain Foundation (Association luxembourgeoise des Amis de la Fondation Louvain – ALAF).
When and where:
10 May 2022 (19:00) at the Tramsschapp Cultural Centre (49, rue Ermesinde L-1469 Luxembourg)
- 19:00: Welcome refreshments
- 19:30: Welcome speech
- 19:35: Presentation about the current developments in endometriosis research, given by Prof. Jean-Luc Squifflet, gynaecologist at the Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc – UCLouvain
- 20:05: Round-table discussion, moderated by the journalist Anne Schaaf, about the various aspects of the condition, as well as treatment options and means of support
- 21:00 End of the event, followed by a drinks reception
- Suzanne Hilt, naturopath (Germany)
- Anne-Marie Antoine, psychologist at Planning Familial
- Dr Marc Stieber, gynaecologist at Clinique Bohler (Luxembourg)
- Prof. Prof. Jean-Luc Squifflet, gynaecologist (Belgium)
German, French and English (with simultaneous interpreting).
The event is open to all and admission is free. Registration is required:
This event will be held in line with the public health regulations in force at the time of the event.